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miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

International organisations supporting us

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) has joined the TFU campaign 

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) by signing the TFU PACT. UICC unites 537 member organisations in 129 countries in the global fight against cancer. 

Lately, the TFU PACT was also signed by the following organisations: 

  • Medical Association of Uruguay
  • Indionesian Heart Foundation
  • Tobacco Control Cell of the Government of Pakistan
  • Romanian Society of Pneumology
  • FARES Belgium 
  • Doctors against Tobacco in Sweden

Source: S.Fleitmann, TFU campaign Manager


In support of the TFU initiative the Health Promotion Board of Singapore launched a campaign poster to boost their signature collection.

Source: Amrita Namasivayam, Senior Executive (Substance Abuse Programme), Adult Health Division, Health Promotion Board of Singapore.